Maybe its taken the dolly-shot and the HD format and the decade of hammers that just ended for me to fully appreciate the awesomeness that is Super 8 footage and Film Shcool, or maybe its just that it's the dead of winter and the snow drifts are higher than I can remember in recent memory; whatever it is (and it could just be clips of Pizzy with a whole ton of hair), I'm super hyped on that clip, and you should be too. All in all, TSM commenter and for all I know, skateboard cinema expert, scott g. puts it best; in regards to Film School, he says, "this clip is so rad. coolest thing i seen in a while." Preach scott g., preach.
Otherwise, don't kill yourself shoveling, get used to not parking on the even side of the street until April, and for elucidation of the title of this post, I learned on the Slate sports podcast that a high ranking member of the New Orleans Catholic Diocese referred to God as, well, the name of this post.
Also, my video part from Weekend Warriors was just linked up on a Greek online magazine site. You see that Jackal? Coverage.
1 comment:
Munz, Feed your 'Plat RSS into all of your other "sites", including The Mag. Then you just have to update 1 place. Just saying.....
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