January 7, 2010

Title Belt

The first two lines are the best. Been meaning to post this.

Even thought there is much debate over just when the past/present decade ended/ends, we here at Platinumseagulls INC have decided that the aughts are over and we're onto the o-tens, and so it is time to address the illustrious Phil Schwartz' question (from last post's comments) regarding some sort of decade long Twincities skateboarding wrap-up. Yes there will be a wrap-up(s) on this website. Just not now. In an effort to broaden the opinion here which is normally just mine, some emails have been sent off to get decade wrap-ups from various sources, and I'm pretty sure once one or two of them show up in my inbox, I'll get sparked and try to do the same myself. For now, I've tried to get thoughts from a shop-insider, an industry-insider, a city-outsider, a city-expat, and two members of the TC skateletariet, young and old. We'll see how things pan out; a deadline of about a week has been set, so I'll just cross my fingers for everyone.

Also, here's what you need to know: "The Room" is playing at the Uptown Theater here next Friday and Saturday. What is "The Room" you ask? Well, I found out all about it through LOA, and so should you, and I'll be there Friday. Before then, don't get fed up with this world!

John McGuire does the pizza-man to trash and that's the new Wiskate vid. What with the cold and the snow and the fact that the dude upstairs hasn't shoveled the walk yet, the previously linked vid is quite the nostalgic head-trip. I wonder if Ellis tears up a bit when he's editing that shit.

The Badger got up on The Berrics; I heard the way to get Reda to stop sticking his camera into your face is to start asking him questions. Go figure.

DECADE OF THADOLO responds to the previous post's linkage to their site. We here at Platinumseagulls INC wonder how much our clout goes up when Thadolo's handlers and webmasters label this website as "influential."


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