Today was rather cool for mid-July but that's not the point here. I just read in the newest
Thrasher a little write up about
AVE, Andrew Allen, and Alex Olson, and their Greaser/Fonzie haircuts. I've attempted to rock a similar look before but never committed to proper pomade so the 'do kind of didn't; but that's beside the point. The bit I believe was by
Mike Burnett, the unsung hero of everything that is good about Thrasher, in my humble opinion. Burnett muses about the relative conservatism of the look and how it seems counter to the
Sammy Baca-esgue fuck you mentality that someone sometime gave to skateboarding and somehow made canonical. I for one, for lack of a more creative way of stating, just think the look is kind of badass, Pony Boy. And classic. Track it down and read it, it rules, its in the Wallenberg issue,
CC on the "wish it wasn't photoshopped" cover.
Oh yeah (edit), Happy Weekend.
Stay Golden Pony Boy.
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