June 15, 2009

Another Ian Steig Power Move


Anonymous said...

this website is for fags that ride skateboards and such.
you guys need a real hobby!
get a girlfriend and a job! put down the bong!

Anonymous said...

Wow, well put you prejudice prick. I know for a fact that the operator of this 'lame website' rarely if ever smokes weed. He is absolutely one of the brightest and most articulate people that I've had the pleasure of knowing. Now true enough, he may dabble in beer-bonging on occasion - but he will completely dominate you from the aforementioned activity to linguistic ass-whoopings as well as a flat ground skirmish. The author of the ad could be contested to be on the same level of dominance sans the beer-bonging. Basically, if you're not a fan of the site - DON'T BE ON IT.

Levi Redman said...

I'm a prick?
At least I can do 100 push ups in 60 seconds! Put that in your grass-pipe and smoke it!
When you've been in the marines for 6 years like I have you learn a little something about discipline! I suggest you all take your turn and do a little something for this country we call AMERICA!

Anonymous said...

Dude why are you even talking? Maybe I'm too stoned.

Anonymous said...

yeah! Merica!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Levi Redman's #1 fan said...

Hahaha! I LOVE the fact that the 'measuring stick' for success in life for you is doing 100 push-ups in 60 seconds. God, that is fucking classic. Where is that on your resume? Right after being a complete toolbox and before education? Equally as awesome is that you defended not being a prick but completely accepted being prejudice. You are a fantastic representative for AMERICA. I hope that you are someone just joking around on here and not a real person.

Sorrytryagain said...

I took captain America's advice and started dating Levi's mom.

NYC Scottish Dancers said...

Do 100 kickflips in 60 seconds and you have some bragging rights.

unemployedfag said...

how do you denote unemployment, no "female companion", and bong use with this site?

me said...


Anonymous said...

todd brown should have something to say about these posts.

Anonymous said...

First things first, Lucero and him are still looking for Brian Kelly.

Todd Brown said...

Yes Lucero and i are in deep pursuit of Brain Kelly. Ok here we go. Skateboarding is not a hobby, I have Girl friend and a job. I would rather thrash than do either one and to jonny push up i bet i can bench way more than you. Second smokeing weed fucking rules almost as much as skating (i like to combine them). So we are all fag's so fuckinf what? Chad Benson for S.O.T.Y.

Anonymous said...

MArine or not i will kick your ass Levi Bitch man

Anonymous said...

The platinum seagulls comment section has become the slap message boards of MN. I think these initial comments are intended to spark debate and hatred towards individuals or for a Todd Brown reply. Just remember..."Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win - your still retarded." If you don't have something good to say then STFU.

Anonymous said...

your mom is in the special olympics!