In other news, I've now rolled my ankle for the third time since late February; at least it's the right ankle, like, I haven't sprained that one yet this year. The one thing I have my fingers crossed for is that my own misfortune will help my beloved Timberwolves in the NBA Draft Lottery tonight; let's get that #1 and put some silver lining on this storm cloud.
The haters won because Mike Vallely was chosen over Davis Torgerson in voting for Battle at the Berrics 2(that's what it's called right?). As a consolation prize, Davis won't get stuck having to fly to LA just to skate an indoor skatepark.
"Oakdale is really our best outdoor park in town"
WTF?! Ever been out to the Grindline park in Edina?
Let's take a poll...
Obviously Grindline made a better park in Edina than that pre-fabricated cookie cutter bullshit in oakdale.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Theres NO argument there, its obvious.
Minnesota Is the flat ledge capitol of the world. You Cant Shred a Ledge!
Get in the bowl and show me somethin!
oakdale is fun
edina is not
end of story.
Pretty wierd a dude who posts by the name of halfpipe joe would pro Edina, wow. You and your crew of 2have a fun time there this summer
mike v! haha, wow.
We should all be happy that our favorite parks, are not everybody else's favorite park. Not enough good ones to go around to have everyone at the same place.
The parks are just different styles, go skate what you want to skate
:( messed up ankles
ps I bet your blog gets like 9387832658 views a day. Also I see now that my viewing time is actually pretty good compared to the three seconders one sometimes get-- right?
Funny a guy named the hesh would prefer a 4ft and under park!
I really dont get what is fun about Oakdale????
What do you like about it???
What I like about Edina is 12 foot deep bowls, Snake runs that go on forever and 2 oververt pockets. Skating those snake runs is like bombing a hill over and over.
They are getting a few barricades soon as well!
Oakdale has smooth flat ground but thats it! ...Pussy!
Let's see some real halfpipe tricks in that bowl.Like a method or something other than carving under the lip. oh, dont forget your helmet.
I know the #1 reason I go to a skatepark is to get that bombing a hill over and over feeling... Actual hills are far too dangerous.
hey how fucking awesome is eli reed's 'banging' on the berrics?
did i miss something? when did blogs become forums?
i can't help but be left with the impression that the anonymous commenter(s) need to maybe go outside and do something instead of getting worked up about blog opinions.
Edina is pretty fun. It would be better without helmets but its still a great park!
Wow. Seems to me that this is like comparing Hubba and Burntside. Not really comparable. Both places have people that rip their own terrain of choice. The person that thinks everyone carves below coping at Edina is basically reporting their own ignorance. If you show up to Edina on a Wednesday night you'll see a full vert session in the deepend, some tech tricks in the smaller parts, and some tricks on the over vert pieces. Someone who can rip Edina can adapt to the 4 foot park quickly. I don't know if the same can be said going the other way. I've skated Oakdale long enough to progress and learn some tricks on the biggest pieces there. If you can come to edina and learn 1 trick in the deepend, you have some credibility to voice an opinion of the park. Some parks come with rules, Edina is one of them. Wearing a helmet just isn't a big deal. Get with the times folks. Skateboarding is skateboarding and I'll ride whatever. Edina doesn't get the use here that it should. If the same parks were located anywhere west of the red river, it would be interesting to see what the same poll would say. I'd love to see some of the street rippers show up to edina and show us some lines. We can all help each other progress. Oakdale is a fun park too, but it isn't my normal terrain of choice. Lord knows I'm not afraid to skate some street or hit a street park from time to time as it helps me progress. Edina might not be your terrain of choice, but it certainly doesn't make it a bad park. You should give it a real chance and skate it long enough to progress a little. You'd be welcomed as a fellow skateboarder and you'd be accepted into the session without a single vibe. No doubt learning a trick or two at edina would help you in your own respective game, just as learning tricks at Oakdale has helped me. Keep the hate to yourself. There's no such thing as tranny skaters or street skaters, there's just skateboarders.
Why does a helmet matter how a park skates? Just skate. Who cares if you have to wear a helmet?
Is it because you look like a fag in a helmet? Well you probably look like a fag without one too so what does it matter? Get over it.
Just skate, and quit the whining.
Just shred whatever is in front of you and then slam a beer and quit all the bitching.
this is hilarious.
Fuck with the hesh and your fucking with todd brown. Half pipe joe? USe your real name pussy. Let me guess you just got back into skateing. Sick bra
P.s im sure you can't shred a ledge that sucks for you bra. Do me a favor and stay in edina. Sorry you never learned to street skate.
Anyone who doesn't think Edina is the best park in MN is fucked in the head. Who's fucking with Half Pipe Joe? Todd Brown? Who the fuck is Todd Brown.
Half Pipe Joe's crew is about 50 dudes. Shut up and go work on your gay flippy tricks you fucking ass-hats.
Ok Guys settle down. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Edina is the best for tranny and Oakdale the best for street. We can argue all day about what's better but no one can win. All I know is Half Pipe Joe is a ripper!
Andrew - OTC
the challenge is at edina. most people have never and will never show up there. to each is own. you definetly have to have a set of balls to skate there thou. but oakdale has a fun tombstone and buttery ground. oh yeah creature/vox/santa cruz demo on june 13 @ the lair. be there.
One must assume that this debate will only be truly settled with an "outsiders" style rumble. Can we all agree on midnight by the bike. racks? Please refrain from bringing shanks, knives, chains or bats. We could have a potluck afterwords. I will bring the PBR and Hotdish with 2 kinds of chips on top. See you there.
The deep end is almost finished at the Hiawatha. Wiz did an awesome job on the tiles, and there's only two corners left to frame and some deck-work to be done.
I skate there because it has what I like to ride and we're building it ourselves. It's not a skatepark. Its not daycare. We aren't funded by anyone's tax dollars so there aren't any cruel insurance jokes making anyone wear this or that type of protective gear. It's not next to a cop shop. There's no 4 foot height restriction. It will have street and tranny elements when finished. And its PRIVATE (read - invite only).
There's TONS of places to skate...
Don't like your options?
WHO CARES! I recommend Edina to any out of towner that comes to the park and wants to skate a bowl. This isn't personal, but my own opinion is that oakdale is way more fun, for every skater. It's got a decent variety. Now whether or not that makes me a "pussy" because I'm not doing a frontside slash in the deep end and I'd rather be doing back tails on the box, I don't really care.
tranny is for fags who are stuck in the 80's
Learn your history or you're damned to repeat it. Keep your skating in a small box and you'll run out of new fun things to do. One day ledges will be for midwest fags stuck in the 00's. I'll still be happy and skating then though because I don't limit myself to one little piece of skateboarding. I'll be hitting both the trannies and the ledges and whatever else comes my way.
"tranny is for fags who are stuck in the 80's"
Who said this? Anonymous? Brave internet tough guy?
Andrew - OTC
brave internet tough guy? I bet i've skated longer than you and the fact that you need to say you're in the otc just shows you belong in that crappy club!
ps-that stint in the 90's when you quit was the greatest years in skateboarding.
Wow! It takes real balls to talk shit anonymously.
Andrew - OTC
the hesh you suck! I will meet you at slp on saturday at 12 to beat you in a game of skate!
3rd Lair 12pm. Joust!!!!
Oh shit, I guess I am stuck in the 80's.
Andrew OTC
Chad benson has herpes!
He told me in the mens bathroom
Anonymous posts are the best ones out there! Who cares if they're pussies for not revealing their identities. It's the anonymous posts that spark the discussion. It's the anonymous posts that say what everyone is thinking, but doesn't want to say.
Phil speaks the TRUTH!!!!!
At the very least I'm guessing a grip of dudes who never even check the site came on here to vote for the Edina park. A mass email must've gone out for a call to arm for the Edina park posse. Or the same 3 people are voting on other computers.
I get an email after every pointless comment. Over it. Comments done.
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