November 17, 2008


The Randy Ploesser Mag Minute is pretty much awesome for a gloomy cold gray-scale day in the upper Midwest, and that nose-pick at the Banks is bananas. Honorable mentions go to the wallie lien tail smack, and the tornado no-comply-one of my favorite skaters to have worked with.

Alex Klein is a renaissance man, and another great example of the creativity that oozes from skateboarding. Via Skatedaily. Pat Canale @ 48 Blocks, I bookmarked that ages ago and have no idea if I'd ever linked it; read it if you want to weasel your way into something.

Spettel emails and brings the pain.

The loneliness of a Timberwolves fan.

Rags Writes Returns, still a little Aden-centric but now out of Queens.

Calsurf blogs!

The comments on here have gotten weird...

Bonus: Todd Flip blogging and spelling quite well.


Scott said...

Not to say I told you so or anything, but wow do the Wolves suck. Yeah a few bad breaks in OT but still, if you're good you make your own luck. Thank god OKC is in the same division.

Anonymous said...

That Mag Min. was way fucking good. One ?, is the Glue Factory video gonna be out in the new year, or not? I know a lot of heads are ready to see that shiznit!