Good interview Davis. No offense, but when we did that thing for Stuck, um, awkward would be the word for it. You rolled well with the questions and would have been a joy to have interviewed, I'm sure, if I were conducting it. You even managed to shout me out! Good job, though I do take some umbrage to one thing you said...that was...agreeing to the Brooks Grind (please note that there was no bold on that...)? You gave up your NBD way too easily! I know, I know, the DT Ripper may have its shortcomings, hell, it's simply an allusion to a caption that Dave Carnie wrote for Koston doing a backside noseblunt slide post Hubba Hideout destruction, when he called it an EK Ripper. But you gave it up so easily? Man.
I'll give it to my esteemed colleague Josh Brooks in that he Jedi Mind Tricked you into letting the whole Brooks Grind thing slide, but let's actually have some fun with this! Since trick names such as "Impossible," and "Hard Grind," just won't work these days, it's gonna take some work. But let me reiterate, though I haven't stated it, that nollie frontside hurricane just won't work. Isn't it a bit bulky, a mouthful, and such? I thought so. Let's think...An "Oh Fuck!!!" grind won't work because it will be seen as vulgar in some circles, and it's always been so hard to truly exclaim the true exclamationism of three exclamation points...
The "Oh Shit!!!" grind faces similar difficulties...
I think my best answer, though Mr. Andrew Paulsen already holds the key to "The Special," it may be sort of an informal key to it...No offense Plus. I say we call the nollie frontside hurricane The Special, and while I still hold the DT Ripper close to my heart, I gotta go otherwise. Come up with a name and leave it in the comments.
P.S.:Did Sarah Palin win the debate tonight simply by virtue that she didn't fuck up? Comments people...
P.P.S.:Who can do The Special switch, i.e. a frontside halfcab switch hurricane back to switch. Or maybe a switch The Special, that's way easier to say...
damn, ive been reppin the DT ripper name ever since he did it, i say it stay there
I truly do like it better than "The Special".
call it the"Lackter grind" and if it was done switch it should be called the "Luckter grind"
DT Ripper all day! And I've got the fakie DT Ripper on lock.
palin didn't fuck up but she did call Biden 'Obiden'. she's a busted bitch tho fersher
"Lackter"and"Luckter"sound sweet!Because,if you think about it eventually you will have to add"frontside"and"backside"into the mix if people or Davis take that trick to other levels
shit yeah,what if someone does a nollie backside hurricane!
How do you "win" a debate by being mediocre and not fucking up? She is an inexperienced, uninterested woman that frankly does a huge disservice to women in politics. Count how many time time she answered an actual question without not answering it with some Marge Gunderson like, folksy inane story.
To have John McCain Pick somebody like her to be vice president is not only irresponsible but actually dangerous. look up the claims she has made as to her qualifications. It will only take you 10 minutes to figure out that she has no grasp on actual issues and moreover is DISINTERESTED in them.
Davis did a nollie backside hurra' the same day he did the frontside one at the Lair.
Oh, and Barto, I only say that because the expectations were so low going in, that by simply seeming somewhat capable and competent, Palin made the cut. I'm not saying that she brought much if any substance up there with her, I'm just saying that, with the bar so low, not losing is a win. It's like how the T-Wolves will probably have a 30-35 win season this year, and while that is still shit, it's way better than last year's 22 win season, thus, improvement.
since he nollies into the hurricane and doesn't ollie into it call that shit a typhoon grind
...or just a fs hurricane...
hahahah the typhoon grind is ballin'
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