Name: Jamiel Nowparvar
Nicknames: Whodi, Lil' Whodi, Yung Whodi, etc.
Age: 24
What's your deal? I got a lot of 'em.
Where are you doing it? Everywhere.
How high can you ollie? Not nearly as high as I used to.
Can I have your board? Dont you got your own?
Favorite local video: Midopoly.
What's in your car? I'll let you know once I get one.
It's a hot day, should we go skating or swimming? Days are pretty long, I think we can fit in both.
Who's your favorite local skater? Nate Compher.
Where's the best place to eat? Caspian Bistro.
Mini-ramp and beer or out on the streets all day? Streets.
How old are you in skate years? Well in this moment of time I believe the ratio is somewhere at .5 to 1 so im about 12.
It's 10 PM on a Saturday night, what are you doing? Just startin' work.
My bros and I were talking about how some of the local vids weren't on the net.Then I saw your post about anonymous.So after some beers,you know to ease the pain of the afternoon sesh.I put that shit on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUJT5Z6mXSc
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www.gamelink.com/display_star.jhtml?id=6230 What the fuck is this?
"One end of the rainbow is firmly planted in San Francisco, While Minneapolis gaily plays it's catcher." That doesn't help?
thankyou for posting anonymous on the tube. i posted some stuff from shitheads vol.8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KANI2dpXLw
This man, wore an eye patch in a highschool photo.
If you talk shit on chad i will gladly beat the dog shit out of yo come by my crib any time you little bitch that nobody knew or ever will. Don't hate cause you ain't shit.
Love Todd Brown 1920 5th st n mpls.
Come by then talk shit i will feed you to my dogs
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